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A celebratory KNIGHT with Sovereign Comics
October 17 2019
We join the recently knighted Simon Woolley, has been instrumental in empowering millions of BME (black and minority ethnic) people in the UK to take part and vote, launching the organisation Operation Black Vote.

A celebratory KNIGHT with Sovereign Comics: Updates

More than two weeks have passed since myself and the team at Sovereign Comics were cordially invited to the celebration of Simon Woolley's knighthood by the Queen of England, courtesy of Rob Neil OBE and his dear friend Abdul Rob, publisher of Black History Month magazine.
It was October 11th with just days to go before Simon's ascension to the house of Lords. Prevailing rain and wind could neither stop or dampen this most prestigious occasion in honour and celebration of a true champion of the people.
Simon Woolley has been instrumental in empowering millions of BME (black and minority ethnic) people in the UK to take part and vote, launching the organisation Operation Black Vote (founded in 1996) so that their voices could be counted. Woolley has been included in the Black Powerlist every year since 2012. He was selected as one of the Evening Standard's Most Influential People in 2010. Also in 2010 and 2011 he was selected as one of The Daily Telegraph's 100 Most Influential People and in 2012 he was awarded an honorary doctorate for his equality efforts from the University of Westminster.
Being the social butterfly that I am, upon entering the celebration I wasted no time meeting everyone, together with the other members of Sovereign Comics in attendance (Earl Newman and Dean Richards). I was introduced to Simon by Rob Neil who I have grown to both love and respect. I shook the soon to be Baron Woolley of Woodford’s hand and showed him some of the fruits of Sovereign Comic’s hard labour, he examined the books I presented to him with analytical eyes and quiet excitement as he exclaimed, "My son is into anime". We spoke about our plans to make our edutainment nationally available, as well as how we plan to engage with youth in a way that has never done before.
The kind words of support he gave me simply blew me away. The thought of such an accomplished man taking an interest in what we’ve been creating here at Sovereign Comics took me aback, and I was reminded that he is, and will always be a man of the people and a community hero. Not only a Knight, but the first Sovereign Knight, someone who has achieved true hero status deservingly highlighted by Sovereign Comics.
His good friends and peers each commended his success, cried and felt comfortable talking about the glorious struggles which lead to this life defining moment.
With all that being said it wasn't hard to see why Simon had much to say about the currency of hard work, dedication, patience and passion equalling to success and triumph. It was as if when he spoke of the "others stepping up" he spoke directly to myself and my team at Sovereign Comics.... This was truly a Knight in celebration.
A celebratory KNIGHT with Sovereign Comics: Text
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