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Sovereign Comics in Black History Month Magazine
April, 27, 2021
They say everything starts with an idea... and Sovereign comics was just that, it all started with a story that came from rapper turned writer Paul Nelson also known as Phoenix Da Icefire, who debuted in 2009, and whose project entitled “PANACEA” was nominated for an AIM award for best album of 2020. He decided that the concept for a new mythology which hit his imagination like a bolt of lightning was too exciting to keep to himself.

Sovereign Amplification Jutsu!: News

Being a career civil servant for the cabinet office at the time as well as a creative and entrepreneur in the music business he was ready to take a leap of faith onto a new unfamiliar path.... the world of comics.
The first thing he did was call Dean Richards, who at that time was responsible for illustrating covers for Paul’s CDs, and he was absolutely amazed to hear he was onboard, for without him nothing would have transpired in the summer of 2011, fate had surely intervened.
Little did Paul know, Dean had been working in the fields of visual media for years at the time, not just for illustration but also 2d and 3d animation, digital film making, visual effects and script writing.
With illustrious credits in feature films and having provided storyboards for many commercial agencies including BBC, ITN, and Saatchi and Saatchi... this was all set to be a creative match made in heaven.
Dean: “At the time I had been making my own comics, but the raw story writing skills that Paul demonstrated impressed me enough to want to collaborate on this new project. It was clear he had a natural story telling ability and innately understood how to create a mythology”
Stefan Miller, being Paul’s closest friend since the age of 13, and having attended the same secondary school, later joined the team. Showing faith in the would-be script writer and adding his own 8 years of experience in drafting and handling contracts. The Sovereign Comics team immediately expanded.
Our Education Plan
Our approach to education in general is edutainment. We started working on the PSHE curriculum (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) by firstly tackling obesity in our “Super healthy comic” which introduces the concept of eating a balanced diet in a fun way that both parents and children can enjoy. We also have an interactive comic on addressing the causes of knife crime and
violence called “Super street smart”, which we use within workshops.
Sovereign Comics is currently working with Liberty Lines which is a 12 member organisation consisting of a group of young barristers, as well as Paul McKenzie who publicly blew the lid on the county lines issue, in which young children are groomed to take part in the UKs drug trade. Together we are working on both a comic book and an interactive comic to introduce the dangers of county lines to young people, and to help parents guide their children effectively, as well as equipping the schools with the tools to be able to mitigate these occurrences.
We aim to touch upon many subjects affecting young people and social issues as we continue to expand our edutainment curriculum nationwide. We know we can improve the chances of our young people and we believe in supporting our communities as a whole.
Sovereign Amplification Jutsu!: Text
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